On Trial !, with the Armoured trials development unit, June 2019

Date: 24/06/2019

American Panel Corporation (APC) completed a month-long trial of its advanced vehicle display at the British Army’s Armoured Trials and Development Unit (ATDU) at Bovington, Dorset, UK.  Supporting in this evaluation were Kent Modular Electronics (KME), TECNOBIT (TNB), and Foxbury Solutions.


A next generation of thermal imaging sensor to display capability was successfully trialed at the Armoured Trials and Development Unit (ATDU) over the period 10-28 Jun 19. This new capability included a latest generation 10-bit capable Thermal Imaging Centinela sensor from TECNOBIT (TNB) that provided live 10-bit video with a specific gamma rate correction setting to a 10-bit capable (American Panel Corporation (APC) and Kent Modular Electronics (KME) display.



This capability not only transforms the user experience by furnishing the commander with video that is easier to interpret; but crucially also enabling the commander to Detect, Recognise and Identify (DRI) targets and objects at far greater ranges than with legacy, 6 or 8-bit sensor and display capability on in-service Remote Weapon Station (RWS).

By using these enhanced capabilities, the commander will be able to effect at greater ranges as well – particularly in the new era of vehicles and weapon load modularity. This capability will enable simpler and faster changes of weapons systems (both direct and indirect) on a single multi-weapon mount, giving commanders true variety and choice to their tactical capability.


Jamie Boulet of American Panel said, “The development of longer-range thermal sensors has required MoDs and industry alike to look at a range of similarly advanced displays to accommodate the images obtained from longer range. This is particularly important to avoid collateral damage involving civilians and blue-on-blue fire. Our unique 10-bit technology, provides this solution. The ATDU trial was undertaken on the basis of an 8 bit vs. American Panel’s 10 bit display. The results exceeded even our expectations.”


The relationship between KME and APC remains stronger than ever, and at KME we are keen to continue to offer this high grade technology to our customers.